health visitors
lactation consultants
breastfeeding specialists
maternity nurses
and more...
Accepted to train UK Health Visitors we provide scientific, clinically proven, postnatal training that enables our practitioners to empower parents with knowledge that provides our Four Pillars of understanding, connection, response, and balance through their infant's cue-led communication and digestive development.
BabyCues Sensory-led Communication and Response Pathway has you teaching parents how to confidently read their child’s cues through their six-senses, to offer intimate, responsive, calming techniques to sooth, and aid the child’s overall development and need for bonding.
Our Digestive Understanding and Balance Pathway offers a simple, logical, researched understanding about how an infant's digestive system functions from birth to two years, what symptoms mean, and how to achieve and maintain digestive balance for holistic health.
These two pathways are threaded throughout your training as you learn BabyCues Bio-logical Care practice.
BabyCues Bio-logical Care
Our Bio-logical Care imparts life-logical, respectful methods with an overarching focus on providing preventative and remedial solutions for Digestive Overload - our founders philosophy for the real causes of colic, reflux, silent reflux, the witching hour, lactose and dairy overload and some cases of mis-diagnosed CMPI. This knowledge has already NATURALLY healed many infants around the globe, and with you, we can help more.
It is estimated that 33,000,000 newborns suffer with colic, and 90,000,000 experience varying degrees of reflux symptoms every year! So, you are needed!
You will coach, support and advise parents on how to intimately understand their child, while providing education on their first wo years of entire digestive function.
This includes cultivating positive feeding, burping, so improving their holistic mental and physical wellbeing, whilst enhancing responsive confidence within awareness and recognition for the infant's parents. So, if this is your aim, along with sharing logical, researched based approaches that have already soothed thousands of children around the world, then this training is for you!
Master our seven Life-logical Coaching's to become one of BabyCues Certified Infant Gut Health Practitioners.
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Eight months of online training on: BabyCues Bio-logical Practice, Digestive Overload, Bio-logical Feeding, Bio-logical Burping and Gas, Bio-logical Sleep, Bio-logical Cues and Calming, and Consultations. |
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Understand the causes and the natural pathways to heal Digestive Overload (the real cause of colic, reflux, silent reflux, the witching hour, and some cases of CMPA). |
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Available for individuals, groups, or organisations so we can collectively obtain continuity in care for this silent pandemic. |
With the above last four mentioned, plus you're listing on the Academy's "BabyCues Practitioner Register” for the small, required yearly admin cost of $280.00. This is either paid on certification or if you pay for full enrolment today, the first year is on us.
Our curriculum teaches the evolutionary and natural care called BabyCues Bio-logical Practice. There are two pathways within this practice. The first of these is Bio-logical Care, which covers 0–6-month-olds. The second pathway is Bio-logical Solids Weaning, which encompasses nurturing digestive health through the introduction of solids introduction from 6-24 months. The Academy currently offers Certification in the Bio-logical Care Pathway, with the second pathway being offered in due course.
Our newborns need us to reframe and restructure their care so it can align to their natural development, both physical and mental. So in this training you will gain an overview of the practice that reweaves our modern-day newborn care, so it truly and respectfully nurtures the child from their intuitive space.
View modulesDeep dive into the extensive digestive research available that tells us, our infants do not need to be suffering with colic, reflux, silent reflux, the witching hour, lactose and dairy overload symptoms, and misdiagnosed cases of CMPA - or what our founder has coined Digestive Overload, the real cause of these devastating and unnecessary symptoms.
view modulesUplift the practice of demand feeding by learning how a newborns digestive system functions, the differences between theirs and an adults, and therefore how to harmoniously breast, bottle and formula feed them within their natural digestive capabilities and capacities. We will also discuss the multitude of formulas available, the effects these have, and which are appropriate for particular assessments.
view modulesGlean evidence based knowledge about the causes and effects of trapped air and gas in a newborn’s body from 0-6 months. You'll learn the intimate practice of Nature’s Wind Sequence, a step-by-step natural method to release air from a newborns stomach, along with our founders original discovery of our innate Six-Wind-Cues – fundamental knowledge for anyone that is working with newborns.
view modulesPass on the gift of restorative, deep sleep to the newborns you encounter through these techniques of settling, recognising the real tired cues, developing their natural body clock rhythm and aiding them with BabyCues Safe Snuggle method. We will also touch on the developmental effects of the lack of sleep, and the appropriate interaction between biology and psychological stimulus.
view modulesUnderstanding what our newborns are communicating and how to respond to their profound, telltale cues by using their instinctive reflexes of hearing, touch, sight, and their emotional feeling body (aka sixth sense) to create the rest and digest way of being, whilst providing optimal security, calming, attachment and brain development, is the wish of every parent, and something you will be able to enhance with this coaching.
view modulesLearn to deliver consultations in a way that is supportive to the parent's and infant's perspective and situation, whilst being open, systematic, and professional within your approach. You'll also be given guidance on the practicalities of keeping the families records and technology that can be helpful, so you can provide a seamless, calming service.
view modulesThe BabyCues Academy training platform is a portable classroom where individuals get to learn at their own pace within specified dates of completion, or privately as groups and organisations so you can learn together - you choose. We will guide you to set up an account, which allows us to track your progress.
One group of individual students each year means you will be welcomed into a community of like-minded people that will walk with you through the entire training, whilst having access to each other through the BabyCues Academy Community while you are studying.
We incorporate videos of the practical techniques required, quizzes, multiple choice questions, case studies, one-on-one coaching with our founder, all of BabyCues published eBooks and booklets, and we provide you with essential resources to download, and share with your families on your road to become a BabyCues Certified Infant Gut Health Practitioner.
Baby Dallas had been on Ranitidine, Prilosec and was on Nexium when Philippa meet him at three months old, and consulted with his parents.
At six months old sally's son had bottle aversion, screamed a lot, had been on acid inhibitors, and did not sleep well, but adopting Bio-logical Weaning eliminated all of these.
I meet gorgeous Milo when he was four weeks old. Sadly, his Mum was trying to understand and grapple with his highly unsettled symptoms of Digestive Overload.
Philippa Murphy, CBS, INHC, BMs
"Currently it is estimated that 33,000,000 newborns suffer with colic, and 90,000,000 experience varying degrees of reflux symptoms every year! This is reprehensible! It’s a silent pandemic that’s leaving disastrous mental and physical scars on all who are involved, and it's time, it's time to transform this.
The elders are exhausted within their survival mode of “living”. They are lost within the advice that says, “give this medication”, “they’ll grow out of it”, “we don’t know what causes it.” And the youngsters, well they are often in a place of misery that no human deserves to live, let alone one that has only just entered life.
We must not let our children down. We must not leave them to suffer – to not experience that which they truly are. It is time for as to assemble a legion of health professionals to offer them, and their guardians, the natural, logical and responsive solutions that now exist.
The BabyCues Academy embraces this enormous challenge before us, while inviting you to step forth with us to do the same. Joining other open-minded providers that want to share predictive preventions, collaborative continuity of care and make significant, immeasurable advances to heal our children, enable healthy families and elevate generational wellbeing."
The time is now.
Are you with us?
Philippa x
If you are a single student you can join us TODAY for just one payment of $714.00 (followed by six equal monthly payments) or, for the best savings + your first year of your Academy's Coaching Membership FREE, one payment of $4799
1. Enrol - Sign up as an individual for the 2024 coaching, starting in April, or talk to our support team to book as a private group or organisation, and we will be in touch within three to four days.
2. Graduate - Pass with 70% to upskill and empower family transformations for the clients in your area, with unique but proven knowledge that is already helping thousands around the globe.
3. Coach - On gaining your certification, you will be able to educate, support, advise and share the theory and practical measures required to heal Digestive Overload naturally.
please click on images below to learn more about each coaching