Private Postnatal Consult

Let me empower you by teaching practical, responsive care that establishes calm, fosters attachment and is individual to your families needs. Learn how to nurture your baby or infant alongside their natural digestive biology, fully understand their cues and develop healthy feeding, winding and sleep patterns to create an intuitive understanding between you. I also specialise, and have great success in helping parents heal colic and reflux symptoms naturally - or what I call Digestive Overload the cause of these behaviours.

Knowledge Shared

While I will endeavour to answer any postnatal questions you may have about yourself, or your baby there are certain aspects of care that I tend to include when we chat:

  • your baby’s history
  • my diagnosis of the causes behind your baby’s individual behaviour
  • a step-by-step plan to enable a calmer daily life for bubs
  • the basic biology of your baby’s digestive system and how to maintain balance
  • research based information on breast, bottle and formula feeding
  • burping techniques that coincide with baby’s Six-Wind-Cues
  • calming methods that work alongside baby’s natural reflexes
  • how to create developmental sleep patterns
  • advice on weaning acid inhibitors if bubs is a candidate for this
  • if necessary the recommendation of homeopathic remedies

This information should be shared with every parent in the world

Kerri and Jerry

The information Philippa teaches should be something shared to every expectant parent around the world! It is instinctive, natural and caring. I wish I had this information on hand for my first and am very thankful that I found her for endless support with my second.

Kerri and Jerry

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Make AN Enquiry

I will be in touch with you in due course, sending you an email outlining how the consultation would work, along with my availability and consultation fee.

Your child's details